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Network Spinal
The next evolution of Chiropractic

Advanced Chiropractic Care

Network Spinal is a highly advanced form of chiropractic which uses very gentle touch on specific parts of the body known as 'contact points'.

Network Spinal utilizes light touches to the spine, mostly in the neck and sacral (lower) regions and does not involve manipulation or adjustment of the joints which is commonly associated with the 'cracking' or 'popping' felt during an adjustment. 

The intention behind all chiropractic care is to reorganise the nervous system towards a state of health and mobility, either through a physical adjustment or through soft touch. 

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Is Network Spinal right for you?

The gentle nature of Network Spinal makes it ideal for people with extremely sensitive nervous systems, as well as people with conditions which make physical adjustments impractical (such as weak/brittle bones, injuries or frailty).

It is also ideal for people who are in the process of developing greater sensitivity to their surroundings and themselves - people on the journey of self awareness/discovery. 

The phases of Network Spinal are aimed at unwinding stored trauma and tension within your nervous system before allowing a greater connection to the potential for health and expansion which exists within us all. The results possible through this modality can be very profound.

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About Network Spinal

Network Spinal is a unique practice developed by world-renowned chiropractor Donny Epstein, and it requires a specific set of chiropractic skills relating to the patterning of the entire nervous system, rather than individual segments of the spine.


Therefore, a Network Spinal Practitioner must undergo a significant amount of additional training to ensure they address the spine and nervous system in a holistic way.


You can receive Network Spinal as a practice member through 1:1 entumenets, or attend one of our powerful group Network Spinal sessions.


Dr Donny Epstein

Did you know?

The Tuning Room is the only centre in Wales you can receive Network Spinal from a team of Network Spinal practitioners. Our expert team have undergone significant training and development to provide the highest quality care to our practice members, of whom all can benefit from Network Spinal.

Whether you are seeking 1:1 Network Spinal adjustments or to experience our powerful
Aligned events you are sure to recieve a level of empowerment that will elevate your life and your health to a new level.

Want to learn how Network Spinal can support you?

Contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our experts.

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The Aligned Experience



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Our Network Spinal Practitioners

At The Tuning Room we are proud to have three fully qualified and experienced Network Spinal practitioners, who not only deliver high quality care to our practice members, but to The Tuning Room team, too.

The on-going care and high standards of wellbeing we have for the team ensures our practice members receive the best possible quality care.

Want to learn more?

Donny Epstein has expanded the principles of chiropractic to a level that means physical adjustments are not necessary to facilitate healing and change within a person.

If you are considering receiving Network Spinal, please explore the below links to gain a deeper understanding of the practice and how it can support you.

Want to learn how Network Spinal can support you?

Contact us today to arrange a consultation with one of our experts.

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